Remember you a follower of Jesus, You have received the great commission. Jesus’s instructions to go into all the earth and create disciple is not meant for the disciple or professional ministers; it applies to all of us. But that doesn’t mean that sharing your faith is easy. Everyone experience fear from time to time. You might be afraid to confront someone, borrow money to grow your business, or introduce yourself to someone you admire. We all have moments of fear, but very few of us see those moments as opportunities. Fear gives you the unique opportunity to develop a priceless inner force that expands your life. That force is courage.

There are 3 steps to help you to get rid of fear of preaching the gospel.

    1. Remember that love is greater than fear

      There is no fear in love. But perfect love derives out fear because fear is not of God. The one who fear is not made perfect in love (1John 4:18) As John point out, fear has to do with punishment. We should not allow the spirit to grieved as a Christian, in the case of sharing our faith, we have a fear of creating ill will, offending someone, or having them think less of us. But perfect love helps drive fear away. Why? Because love always places someone  else’s need above our own. As long we’re sharing the gospel out of love for others, we won’t be as focused on how they’re going to respond or what they’re going to think of us.

     2. Feel the fear and do it anyway

      Paul tells the Corinthian church, Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong (1 corinthians 16:13). Fear is a requirement for bravery. Think for a moment about what it means to be courageous. Someone who is never afraid can  not boast about their courage. We demonstrate our bravery when we do something in spite of our fears. When we are scared of sharing the gospel, look for reasons not to do it. We tell ourselves that we need to study more or wait for a more suitable opportunity. We’re trying to convince ourselves that when we’re “ready” and the moment is right, we won’t be scared. Anyway, don’t give room for fear be encouraged in the Lord.

 3. Identify your fear

To leverage fear into courage, you have to be honest with yourself every time you're afraid. If you don't admit your fears to yourself, you can't leverage them into courage. look for the points in your life where you're afraid, and see them as opportunities to learn to deal with fear.



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